Summer School

Public Lecture Series

AKHP Goes Digital

Debate Club

Faculty Development Programme

Humanities in English

MA Course

The Aga Khan Humanities Project (AKHP) is a program established in 1997 by the Aga Khan Trust for Culture (AKTC) and has been a part of the University of Central Asia’s Graduate School of Development since 2007. AKHP's main goal is to promote the ideas of humanity, human values, and pluralism among people, cultures, and ideas. AKHP achieves this by supporting interdisciplinary undergraduate humanities curriculums, pedagogical and professional development of faculty members, and community outreach projects.
AKHP operates primarily in Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan, with headquarters in Dushanbe and coordinators in Almaty and Bishkek. The program collaborates with 60 academic institutions in these regions, with MOUs signed between AKHP and these institutions, usually initiated by faculty members. These agreements ensure that AKHP courses are included in the curriculum, facilitate instructors' participation in professional development opportunities, and organize seminars and other similar activities. AKHP courses can have various statuses, including elective or not-for-credit courses or components of other courses.
AKHP projects include a "Humanities in English" program for youth, a Public Lecture Series, annual conferences, academic publications, an MA program, and a Debate Club. AKHP seeks to foster intellectual curiosity and critical thinking by creating a diverse and inclusive educational environment and strives to enhance the understanding and appreciation of Central Asia's humanities and social sciences by supporting local scholars' development and encouraging interdisciplinary research.
For more information, please visit AKHP Website
The University of Central Asia's AKHP fosters the development of critical thinking and academic writing skills within a multidisciplinary humanities framework. Some of AKHP's current projects include: