Public Lecture Series 2022

Public Lecture Series 2020

Public Lecture Series 2018

Public Lecture Series 2015

The Aga Khan Humanities Project's (AKHP) public lectures fill the gap in the region’s academic infrastructure and foster discourse between the humanities and natural sciences. The series promotes an examination of the centrality of human values across all disciplines.
The lectures, delivered by scholars, artists and public figures, cover topics such as traditions, astronomy, digital economy, music, engineering, health, biodiversity, economic development, religion, history, academic freedom, education and urban development. Since the series began in 2012, almost 100 lectures have been delivered, and four follow-up books on the Public Lecture Series have been published.
This marks the fifth series of book releases since 2012, featuring lectures by renowned scientists and artists from Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Kazakhstan. The lectures were delivered online and recordings are available on the University of Central Asia's YouTube channel and digital platforms.
The theme for this series is "Interdisciplinary discourse in the context of the relationship between the humanities and the natural sciences." The collection of books presents a variety of disciplines from both the humanities and natural sciences. While many of the lectures are scientific in nature, there are also thought-provoking discussions on social realities.
The speeches of prominent Central Asian scientists showcase diverse ideas, approaches, and perspectives on human nature, society, and the environment. The books offer a unique palette of ideas that reflect the cultural and intellectual richness of the region.