


Established in 2006, School of Professional and Continuing Education aims to advance the socio-economic development of Central Asia, especially its mountain regions, by delivering programmes that improve the livelihoods, and educational mobility of a broad spectrum of learners. The school is unique with no similar analogues in the region and is continually adjusting its programmes and educational practice while responding to needs and opportunities of the communities.
To date, SPCE has developed over 680 courses across 60 programmes in 10 areas of study, engaging over 260,000 learners in 17 Learning Centres in 4 countries in Tajikistan (8), Kyrgyzstan (3), Kazakhstan (1) and Afghanistan (5).
The school offers internationally benchmarked training and certificate programmes in accounting; business management; applied languages; IT; university preparatory programme and mental math for school children; local governance; public administration; executive trainings and vocational trades. Courses are delivered in off/online format, in modular, short-cycle, flexible learning format to accommodate learners with different backgrounds. The programme is continually monitored, ensuring it is addressed in a proper manner. Courses in demand are reviewed and enhanced to meet market needs, while the courses that are not in demand are shelved for future demand opportunities.
"SPCE is performing its tasks and achieving its mission at the highest possible level. It is setting new high standards, not only for continuing education, but also for other segments of education."
Dr. Isak Frumin, Professor, Higher School of Economics, Moscow
Online courses on Moodle