Speech by the Minister of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic Ms Dogdurkul Kendirbaeva at the 2024 Graduation Ceremony of the University of Central Asia
Good morning, dear graduates!
Dear Mr Shamsh Kassim-Lakha and members of the Board of Trustees!
Dear friends, and our graduates in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Kazakhstan who today have received a ticket to a new life, I wish you a successful journey!
Everything here has been created with love for you! All these conditions are for your benefit, students. I thank the teachers who have imparted great knowledge to you. You have been given the golden key - your knowledge in advanced and sought-after professions like Computer Science, and Communications and Media. You have received an exceptional education, gaining critical and analytical thinking skills. I express my deep gratitude to the Aga Khan Development Network and its founder, His Highness Prince Aga Khan, for creating such conditions. We must sincerely thank those who provide the best conditions for our children's development.
Today, education knows no boundaries. You can work here and get paid in another country, or vice versa. I am confident you will find the best jobs, but never forget your roots, which have given you the opportunity to be successful.
Dream. A dream is your most important motivator for success. A person who does not dream lacks a beacon to guide their way in life. A dream is crucial for achieving your goal; it is your project, your design.
Importantly, you don't have to be a professional in a narrow sense. Be the best individuals who appreciate the values of humanity.
You are the wealth of every family, every country, and the world. More educated, critically thinking people on earth ensure peace and stability, which we sorely miss today. Stable development is fundamental. You have a great opportunity to become a worthy person and a professional in your field.
One quality defines a successful person—willpower. A successful person moves toward their goal every day, every hour. An unsuccessful person procrastinates, saying they will do the work tomorrow. Only a successful person reaches their goal.
The Ministry of Education of the Kyrgyz Republic is currently undergoing a deep transformation of the education system. Every child deserves a quality education, and the Government is creating all possible conditions for this. I believe our development partners, such as the Aga Khan Development Network, will assist in this. The University of Central Asia is helping us translate 32 advanced educational materials in line with the educational standards of the Kyrgyz Republic.
These textbooks should be available not only to private universities and schools but to every Kyrgyzstani who deserves equal opportunities to succeed in education.
Dear friends,
Kyrgyzstan is a great, friendly, open, and very liberal country. Earlier this morning, I spoke with my friend, Mr Shamsh Kassim-Lakha, while looking at the Ala Myshyk mountain opposite the campus. Such a powerful energy, force, and motivation! It is wonderful that such innovative educational institutions as UCA are established and operate in small, mountain towns like Naryn. UCA will be a leading institution promoting effective education worldwide.
Fly high, reach great heights, and return. Never forget your country, as you are needed here. Your success should contribute to the development of Kyrgyzstan and humanity.
You have received a golden key, a rare opportunity. Be highly effective individuals and innovators. Develop technologies that address global challenges. In the past, it was believed that countries rich in natural resources would be the most developed. However, the last decade has shown that countries with modern information technologies lead the way.
We believe your knowledge and the technologies you will invent will contribute to the development of humankind. Today, humanity needs creative individuals. Solving conflicts related to water use, poverty, and environmental safety is in your hands, guided by the values of humanity and diversity.
I wish you a successful journey! Good luck to you all!