The Nomadic Image 2022 Conference Magazine
Presented by the School of Arts and Sciences, University of Central Asia Research Cluster:Modernity in Central Asia: Identity, Society, Environment. The Seventh Transdisciplinary Imaging Conference is being held in the Central Asian republic of Kyrgyzstan, a country where equestrian nomadism remains a powerful cultural signifier. In Deleuze and Guattari’s nomadology, the nomad pursues pure lines of flight across the steppe, desert, or ocean: smooth, continually shifting spaces that stand in opposition to the striated, enclosed world of the settled State. Similarly, images traverse and produce unbounded, uncharted spaces whose circumference shifts, expands, and dissolves. Confounding distinctions between arrival and departure, every return of the image is a phantom, as illusory as the belief that the earth returns to the same spot after orbiting the sun. Heterogeneous and dynamic, de-territorialised and de-territorialising, how do the image’s nomadic flights construct and reflect the textures of the everyday?
In a hybrid online and in-person event hosted by the University of Central Asia on its Naryn campus, the conference offers an exciting opportunity for international participants to connect with Kyrgyz and other Central Asian creatives and scholars, and to explore experimental imaging cultures at the crossroads between East and West, and hypermodernity and tradition.