A commitment to development lies at the heart of UCA's mission and is reflected in the areas of research conducted. The topics respond to the acute socio-economic issues of the region and provide an evidence base for effective decision-making processes.
“Only through the creation of new knowledge will we be able to address the multiple challenges that affect the quality of life of mountain societies. Over time, it is high quality and relevant research which will earn UCA a place among the renowned universities of the world.”
His Highness the Aga Khan, November 2017
Explore the Key Research Themes
Cultural Heritage and Humanities Unit
- Archaeology - The University of Central Asia’s (UCA) mission is to help the people of Central Asia preserve and draw upon their rich cultural traditions and heritages as assets for the future.
- COVID: Voices of Kyrgyztani People - The research aims to not only record the pandemic's impact on the personal lives of people, but also the important role played by civil society organizations. All stories can be found on the project website.
Cultural Heritage and Humanities Unit
- Musical heritage
- Cultural traditions, including continuity, adaptation and change
- Religious and philosophical heritages of Central Asia
Mountain Societies Research Institute
- Mountain livelihoods, including cross-border relations; gender equity; migration; sustainable infrastructure; natural resources governance; value-chain development; climate change adaptation.
Mountain Societies Research Institute
- Natural hazards and disasters, including hazard assessment and modelling, climate change effects; glacial and permafrost hazards; landslides; remote sensing applications.
Cultural Heritage and Humanities Unit
- Oral expressions of culture.
- Local and regional histories, including oral histories.
- Philanthropy
Institute of Public Policy and Administration
- Economic policy, including public finance, agriculture, extractive industries, trade, innovation and growth, labour markets, and evaluation of development projects
- Social policy, including gender as a cross-cutting issue, youth, social cohesion, and public health
Cultural Heritage and Humanities Unit
- Contemporary cultural production, cultural policy, and cultural institutions
- Enabling policy and administrative environment for civil society’s development
Mountain Societies Research Institute
- Water supply and management, including climate change impacts; snow accumulation trends; flood mitigation management; sediment impacts.
- Land management, including food security; climate-smart agriculture; land degradation; biodiversity; erosion; reforestation.