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Computer Science - Freshmen

Course # DMNS 1003

Credits 6

Pre-requisites and Co-requisites: Calculus I for Computer Science

Course Description:

Calculus II, the second part of the calculus sequence, builds upon foundational concepts to deepen understanding and application in disciplines such as science, engineering, economics, and science. The course covers sequences and series, including convergence and power series; differentiation and integration of vector-valued functions; functions of several variables, with a focus on partial derivatives, gradients, and optimization; multiple integration techniques for solving real-world problems; and vector analysis. Emphasizing higher-order thinking, this course fosters critical analysis and problem-solving skills essential for advanced study and interdisciplinary applications.

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:

  • Use appropriate tests to check whether series converge or diverge
  • Rewrite rectangular coordinates in other coordinates such as polar, cylindrical, or spherical coordinates to integrate circular, cylindrical, or spherical regions
  • Calculate the derivative and integral of vector-values functions to compute the gradient vector
  • Calculate partial derivatives of several-variable functions to compute the gradient
  • Calculate double integral to find the volume under a surface defined by several-variable functions

Course Assessments and Grading



Homework (5-8 problem sets)


Quizzes (5-8)


Midterm Exam


Final exam


Course # COMP 1072

Credits 6

Pre-requisites and Co-requisites: Fundamentals of Programming

Course Description

This course equips you with the skills necessary to become an IT developer specializing in Java, a requirement in many corporate environments. A fundamental understanding of programming is beneficial for success in this course. Throughout the course, you will master the Java programming language. To reinforce learning, hands-on exercises and labs are provided, allowing you to apply the concepts and techniques taught. The course covers various aspects of Java, including data types, programme flow control, objects, methods, classes, and interfaces. By the end of the course, you will have developed a comprehensive set of skills, preparing you for a career in Java development.

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon the completion of the course, students will be able to:

  • Identify core aspects of object-oriented programming and features of the Java language.
  • Use Java expressions, operators, branching and looping statements, and write Java code.
  • Test code by applying principles of test-driven development using Java's unit testing framework.
  • Apply object-oriented programming techniques to building classes, creating objects, and understanding how solutions are packaged in Java.
  • Develop programmes that use Java collections and apply core object-oriented programming concepts using classes, polymorphism, and method overloading.
  • Explore different methods for opening, reading, and writing to external files, and deal with errors and exceptions.
  • Write reusable code that remains type-safe using Java Generics.

Course Assessments and Grading


Weight %







Semester project


Final exam


Course # DMNS 1052

Credits 6

Pre-requisites and Co-requisites: Physics I

Course Description

The Physics II course has been developed to meet the scope and sequence of UCA physics courses and gives a foundation for a career in computer science. The course advances the conceptual knowledge of students on electricity and magnetism, specifically electrical fields, capacitance, direct and alternating current, magnetic fields, and induction. Students practice solving problem sets on Kirchhoff’s and Ohm’s laws and analysis of linear and nonlinear resistive networks, temporal properties of RC circuits, RMS (root-mean-square) values of waveforms in addition to diodes and their applications.

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:

  • Identify electric forces and fields for discrete charge distributions and their relevance to computer hardware and electronics.
  • Analyse electric fields for complex charge distributions using Gauss’s law, with applications in understanding electronic shielding and signal integrity.
  • Calculate electric potential and capacitance, focusing on parallel plate capacitors and their roles in memory storage and circuit design.
  • Describe the behaviour of passive and active circuit elements (resistors, capacitors, inductors, diodes, and transistors) in response to direct and alternating voltage sources, using Ohm’s law, Kirchhoff’s laws, and circuit analysis techniques critical for understanding digital and analogue circuits.
  • Calculate magnetic fields from complex magnetic sources using Biot-Savart and Ampere’s laws, with examples from electromagnetic interference (EMI) mitigation and magnetic storage devices.
  • Calculate electromotive force using Faraday’s and Lenz’s laws of electromagnetic induction, with applications in power supplies and signal processing.
  • Explain the physical structure, operation, and characteristics of diodes and transistors in simple electronic circuits, focusing on their role in logic gates, microprocessors, and integrated circuits.

Course Assessments and Grading





12 Homework


12 Quizzes




Group Project


Midterm Exam


Final exam


Course # HUSS 1016

Credits 6

Pre-requisites and Co-requisites: None

Course Description 

The course is designed for foreign students who mastered the initial stage program. An important condition of these courses is that the students are well prepared, and that they can fully grasp and work through the material they have learned, both grammatical and lexical. Informative saturation will help develop intellectual skills and the ability to cognitive activity in general. For example, on tasks of such types as "let's argue", "convince a friend", reasoning over statements. On examples of texts with pre-text and post-text tasks, receiving lexico-grammatical tasks, engaging in discussion, students practically master the Russian language in all types of speech activity and spheres of communication, replenish their vocabulary.  

Course Learning Outcomes 

Upon completion of the course, students should be able to: 

  • Know the alphabet and the pronunciation rules
  • Use basic grammatical structures, such as verb conjugation in the present tense, noun, adjective, and pronoun declension.
  • Recognize basic sentence structures (affirmative, negative, and interrogative sentences).
  • Greet, say goodbye, and use basic polite phrases (e.g., “Hello,” “Thank you,” “You’re welcome”).
  • Introduce oneself, ask for names, places of residence, professions, and other simple questions.
  • Write short letters and messages using simple phrases (e.g., requests, expressions of gratitude).
  • Use standard polite expressions for correspondence (e.g., “Respectfully,” “Thank you for your attention”).
  • Use vocabulary for everyday communication (e.g., topics like food, transportation, family, hobbies) correctly.
  • Describe simple actions and objects, as well as use basic adjectives to describe people, things, and phenomena.
  • Read and understand simple texts, such as announcements, instructions, and short dialogues.
  • Extract key information from texts (e.g., answering questions about what was read).
  • Use the present tense of verbs to describe everyday actions.
  • Use past and future tenses.
  • Ask and answer simple questions and maintain basic conversations on everyday topics (e.g., “How are you?”, “Where do you live?”).
  • Mastere phrases used in various situations (e.g., in a shop, restaurant, or train station).
  • Use Russian for basic social functions, such as ordering food in a café, buying tickets, and interacting with locals.
  • Participate in short interactions in Russian.

Course Assessments and Grading



Class work






Intermediate test




Final exam


Course # HUSS 1017

Credits 6

Pre-requisites and Co-requisites: None

Course Description 

The course is designed for foreign students who have an advanced command of Russian. The main goal of the course is to develop speaking and writing skills in Russian at a professional level and in different spheres of communication, including official communication, business and academic communication (both written and oral), as well as to teach them how to analyze publicist and artistic texts and minimal skills of creating such texts. Classes are organized interactively. Texts on different topics, styles and genres are selected for independent work.

Course Learning Outcomes 

Upon completion of the course, students should be able to: 

  • Use specialized terms and phrases typical for various fields of business (economics, finance, law, marketing, etc.).
  • Write letters, business proposals, résumés, reports, and other documents in formal and neutral styles.
  • Participate in business meetings, negotiations, conferences, and presentations in Russian.
  • Articulate their position, formulate proposals, and respond to questions during business communication.
  • Format business documents according to business correspondence standards.
  • Identify the specifics of business communication in Russia, including cultural differences in business practices.
  • Use a variety of communication styles depending on cultural and socio-psychological factors.

Course Assessments and Grading



Class work






Intermediate test




Final exam


Course # HUSS 2042

Credits 6

Pre-requisites and Co-requisites: None

Course Description

The course aims to introduce students to the sociological study of society. This introductory course of sociology analyzes social interactions, social institutions, and societal change patterns. This course examines the key theoretical and methodological techniques used in sociology to address a variety of themes, including culture, class, race/ethnicity, gender, education, deviance, social change and so forth through a sociological perspective. This course provides students with an intellectual opportunity to learn, unlearn, and relearn about self, others, and society, as well as to position themselves preparing to design and adapt future societal norms. The course design involves students in developing their own sociological toolkit to analyze society by investigating the social structures, institutions, and social interactions that continue to shape human behavior and societal relationships. Students address issues of culture, socialization, inequality, and deviance through a combination of readings, seminar discussions, visual sociological activities, and research projects; as well as gain a better understanding of how AI-powered chatbots and technologies are rapidly influencing larger social systems.     

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:

  • Identify basic concepts and theoretical perspectives in sociology.
  • Describe the social history of human societies and socialization across social life.
  • Develop sociological imaginations / critical thinking skills and apply them to analyze social phenomena, various types of social structures, collective actions, and social changes in society.
  • Identify, describe, and apply sociological research methods on contemporary and historical social issues.
  • Communicate in diverse peer groups and collaborate to work as an effective team member on joint projects.

Course Assessments and Grading


Weight, %



Oral Presentation


Writing Tasks


Final Paper


Course # HUSS 1003

Credits 4

Pre-requisites and Co-requisites: None

Course Description

This course explores the history and creation of states and societies in Central Asia with the focus on the history of Kyrgyzstan. It investigates the influence of geography on history, including the interplay between oasis trading corridors and steppe pastoralist mode of life, as well as the role of forests and mountains as redoubts for groups that lost political battles in the central steppe. The course aims to develop competencies and skills which enable students to use critical thinking while analysing sources of historical events including a comparative study of Kyrgyzstan and Central Asia. Students learn how to critically examine historical sources, engage in discussions, exchange ideas and presents their topics by reading primary historical texts and secondary papers. Through the examination of the history of Kyrgyzstan, the course also considers the issue of interplay between oasis and steppes, between settled and nomadic way of life addressing how belief, religion, social practices and customary way of life are changed and accommodated to the needs of social and political context. In the course, students learn to explore ideas, generate knowledge, provide alternate responses and exclude opting for one immediate and absolute response.   

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:

  • Discuss the key features, facts and frameworks that make up the history of Central Asia in general and Kyrgyzstan in particular;
  • Provide broad historical narratives related to development and formation of Kyrgyz nation and society;
  • Interpret and analyse history of Kyrgyzstan as part of the broader social and political process of Central Asia;
  • Analyse primary and secondary sources to assess received narratives about the past.

Course Assessments and Grading



Class Participation




Hour Test I


Hour Test II


Course # HUSS 1004

Credits 2

Pre-requisites and Co-requisites: None

Course Description

The aim of this course is to explore and analyze ideas, knowledge and practice associated with the Manas epic as well as the role that the Manas epic has been playing in formation and development of Kyrgyz society and construction of national identity. The Manas epic is reflective of history, culture, identity and society of Kyrgyz people whose origin traces back to Yenisei Kyrgyz – an ancient Turkic people who dwelled in the upper basin of Yenisei River. The course draws on a variety of interpretations and meanings attached to the Manas epic in different historical periods. This course applies historical approach to interpretation of the Manas epic enabling students to analyze it from different perspectives: while there can be different interpretations on the history of the Manas epic, the course does not focus on identifying its “true” story or historicity. The idea is rather to look at how the Manas epic can create a new reality, the reality of a nation-state and national identity and how the Manas epic is harnessed to perpetuate the current reality. By critically approaching the Manas epic, students learn how reality is constructed, how identity is formed and forged through beliefs, ideas, religion, and associated practices.

Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Identify the core messages and meanings communicated through ideas, belief and practices associated with the Manas epic;
  • Provide an example of how knowledge, belief and ideas can be constructed and perpetuated;
  • Examine the role of myth, tradition, religion and culture in construction of society and identity;
  • Expand knowledge of various musical genres by exploring how the themes of the epic are incorporated into different musical styles.

Course Assessments and Grading


Weight, %

Class Participation


Listening test






Final essay


Course # HUSS 1082

Credits 0

Pre-requisites and Co-requisites: None

Course description

The purpose of physical education is to strengthen health and develop the physical and mental abilities of students. Physical exercises and sports games are the way to a powerful and functional body, clear mind and strong spirit. The course is both practical and theoretical, it covers basic concepts of anatomy and physiology as well as health and safety requirements.  

Course learning outcomes

Upon completion of the course, students should be able to: 

  • Perform a range of physical activities
  • Understand health and safety requirements for a range of physical activities
  • Describe the role and progress of sport in Central Asia
  • Choose an appropriate physical activities programme for their age and gender
  • Identify tiredness and its symptoms to control the body during athletic exercises
  • Describe the technique of running for a long and a short distance and jumping
  • Accomplish running for a short and a long distance and jumping according to all necessary norms
  • Describe the rules of a range of sports games

Course Assessments and Grading


Controlling exercises and testing 










Running – 60m (minutes and seconds )







Running – 100m (minutes and seconds)







ABS – 30 seconds 







Long distance running – 1000m







Long distance running – 2000m







Long distance running – 3000m







Push up on the cross bar (турник)







Jumping with running (m,sm)







Jumping from the stand position(m,sm)








The course will be graded with PASS/FAIL.

Course # COOP 1001

Credits 2