SPCE Celebrates 15th Anniversary in Khorog
Marking a major milestone, the School of Professional and Continuing Education (SPCE) of the University of Central Asia celebrated its 15th Anniversary in Khorog on September 25, 2021. Prominent dignitaries along with the University’s management, staff, faculty, students, and graduates came together to recognize the ongoing programmes and achievements of SPCE in improving the quality of life of people. Gratitude was also expressed for the contribution of the Aga Khan Development Network over the past 30 years in the development of the economic, social, and cultural sectors in Tajikistan.
“Today is a very important milestone in the life of UCA, not only because we are conducting the annual graduation ceremony of SPCE, but because we are celebrating the 15th Anniversary of SPCE’s establishment, one of the first academic programmes of UCA,” said Prof Sohail Naqvi, Rector of UCA.
Established in 2006, SPCE has 16 learning centres across four countries: Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Afghanistan. The School was established to support people who could not afford a formal education and needed to enter the job market to support their families. “Within the context of a new market economy and collapse of the Soviet Union, people needed skills to survive. Full-time studies were out of the question. Programmes had to be part-time and of good quality,” said Bohdan Krawchenko, Dean of the Graduate School of Development at UCA. SPCE has grown into the leading provider of post-secondary, short-cycle professional education in Central Asia, covering a broad range of subjects.
“From just three centres in 2006 established in the mountainous towns of Khorog, Tajikistan, Naryn, Kyrgyzstan and Tekeli, Kazakhstan, SPCE today enjoys presence in 12 locations and 16 centres with over 180,000 learners and 300 qualified staff,” said Dilovar Butabekov, Director of SPCE.
“SPCE offers a unique model of learning designed to meet individual needs. Today, SPCE graduates are serving in national, regional, and local administrations. They are competent enough to thrive in all walks of life,” said Yodgor Fayzov, Governor of the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region of Tajikistan.
“The Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) in Tajikistan works in several areas. However, education and training are one of AKDN's priorities. The current activity of UCA is one of the best examples of long-term cooperation at the national and regional levels. The mission of the University is to provide a universally recognized standard of higher education, training of world-class specialists, and the creation of new jobs,” said Mr Kozidavlat Qoimdodov, AKDN’s Resident Representative to Tajikistan.
The celebration in Khorog included graduation ceremonies of various SPCE programmes, where over 200 students were awarded completion certificates, and concluded with the opening ceremony of the Electrician’s Training Workshop.