UCA's Impact
UCA is also a development university. And an essential aspect of this mission is its relationship with the host communities. The University is partnering with the local governments and its sister agencies in the Aga Khan Development Network to develop the host mountain towns into vibrant university communities and transform them by bringing new technology, innovation and entrepreneurship hubs. Over the coming decades, the University will expand as new areas of teaching and research emerge, and the towns that are home to UCA campuses will benefit from the new economic opportunities and attain a better quality of life.
His Highness the Aga Khan, First Convocation of the University of Central Asia
University Town Development
The campus towns of Naryn, Kyrgyzstan, Khorog, Tajikistan and Tekeli, Kazakhstan are culturally and ecologically rich secondary cities on the historic Silk Road, within 150 miles of China. UCA’s campuses provide access to quality education outside of capital cities, foster regional hubs of technology and innovation and offer a uniquely immersive residential experience.
Entrepreneurship Projects
The University of Central Asia (UCA) offers an internationally recognized standard of higher education in Central Asia. UCA provides a range of high-quality technical and professional education opportunities across the region with the aim of supporting employment and economic growth.