Khairisho Shonusairiev oversees and coordinates activities at the SPCE Learning Centre in Dushanbe. These include teaching and learning processes, quality assurance activities, and liaising with the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Tajikistan. Previously, he served as Principal of the Aga Khan Lyceum, Khorog, and Liaison Officer for the Aga Khan Education Service (AKES) in Tajikistan and the Kyrgyz Republic.
After attending a one-year programme on training university faculty in English at the University of Durham, United Kingdom, Khairisho conducted professional development courses for English teachers at Tajik State Pedagogical University and secondary schools in Dushanbe.
Supported by AKES, Khairisho has trained over 100 instructors on interactive pedagogy, linguistics, second language acquisition, and materials development. He also served as Department Head of Foreign Languages for Specific Purposes, Dean of the English Department, and Director of the Language Centre at the Tajik State Pedagogical University.
Khairisho has a degree in English from Tajik State Pedagogical University, and a Certificate in Education from Aga Khan University’s Institute for Educational Development.