For more detailed profile:
Dr. Maksim Kulikov is a Research Fellow at the University of Central Asia’s Mountain Societies Research Institute. He holds Ph.D. in geography and natural sciences from Institute of Geography of University of Hamburg (Germany). He received his MSc in environmental management from the International University of Kyrgyzstan and BSc in information systems from the Kyrgyz State Technical University.
He has broad experience in environmental research involving soil, vegetation, and climate system as well as remote sensing, GIS and modelling of natural processes. He has experience in field work data collection on soil and vegetation with application of UAVs. Maksim is also experienced in conducting laboratory soil analysis as well as data analysis involving statistical and machine learning methods. His research interests include geobotanical modelling using remote sensing and extensive data analysis and modelling with machine learning algorithms.

- Brody, M., Kulikov, M., Orunbaev, S., & Van Oevelen, P. J. (2024). The Global Energy and Water Exchanges (GEWEX) Project in Central Asia: The Case for a Regional Hydroclimate Project. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 2024, 1–7
- Kulikov, M., Isaev, E., Azarov, A., Shibkov, E., & Sidle, R. C. (2023). Walnut-fruit forests. Environmental and socio-economic research report.
- Kulikov, M., Shibkov, E., Isaev, E., Azarov, A., & Sidle, R. (2023). Spatio-temporal patterns of different tree species response to climatic factors in south Kyrgyzstan. Central Asian Journal of Sustainability and Climate Research, 2(2), 23–49
- Sidle, R. C., Caiserman, A., Jarihani, B., Khojazoda, Z., Kiesel, J., Kulikov, M., & Qadamov, A. (2023). Sediment Sources, Erosion Processes, and Interactions with Climate Dynamics in the Vakhsh River Basin, Tajikistan. Water 2024, Vol. 16, Page 122, 16(1), 122.
- Azarov, A., Polesny, Z., Darr, D., Kulikov, M., Verner, V., & Sidle, R. C. (2022). Classification of Mountain Silvopastoral Farming Systems in Walnut Forests of Kyrgyzstan: Determining Opportunities for Sustainable Livelihoods. Agriculture 2022, Vol. 12, Page 2004, 12(12), 2004.
- Isaev, E., Ermanova, M., Sidle, R. C., Zaginaev, V., Kulikov, M., & Chontoev, D. (2022). Reconstruction of Hydrometeorological Data Using Dendrochronology and Machine Learning Approaches to Bias-Correct Climate Models in Northern Tien Shan, Kyrgyzstan. Water 2022, Vol. 14, Page 2297, 14(15), 2297.
- Isaev, E., Kulikov, M., Shibkov, E., & Sidle, R. C. (2022). Bias correction of Sentinel-2 with unmanned aerial vehicle multispectral data for use in monitoring walnut-fruit forest in western Tien Shan, Kyrgyzstan. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 17(2), 022204.
- Kulikov, M., Omorova, G., & Shibkov, E. (2020). What is the Impact of Climate on Local Communities in the Isfara River Catchment?
- Wilson, B., Mills, M., Kulikov, M., & Clubbe, C. (2019). The future of walnut–fruit forests in Kyrgyzstan and the status of the iconic Endangered apple Malus niedzwetzkyana. Oryx, 1–9.
- Kulikov, M., & Schickhoff, U. (2017). Vegetation and climate interaction patterns in Kyrgyzstan: spatial discretization based on time series analysis. Erdkunde, 71(2), 143–165.
- Kulikov, M., Schickhoff, U., Gröngröft, A., & Borchardt, P. (2017). Modelling Soil Erodibility in Mountain Rangelands of South-Western Kyrgyzstan. Pedosphere.
- Kulikov, M., Schickhoff, U., & Borchardt, P. (2016). Spatial and seasonal dynamics of soil loss ratio in mountain rangelands of south-western Kyrgyzstan. Journal of Mountain Science, 13(3), 1–14.
- Borchardt, P., Schickhoff, U., Scheitweiler, S., & Kulikov, M. (2011). Mountain pastures and grasslands in the SW Tien Shan, Kyrgyzstan - Floristic patterns, environmental gradients, phytogeography, and grazing impact. Journal of Mountain Science, 8(3), 363–373.
- Walnut-Fruit Forests. Environmental and Socio-Economic Research Report
- Monitoring Walnut Fruit Forest in Western Tien Shan
- Classification of Mountain Silvopastoral Farming Systems in Walnut Forests of Kyrgyzstan
- What is the Impact of Climate on Local Communities in the Isfara River Catchment?