German Delegation Visits University of Central Asia in Khorog
The University of Central Asia in Khorog welcomed a distinguished German Delegation on 8th of August, led by Mr. York Schuegraf, German Ambassador to Tajikistan, Ms. Sabine Olthof, German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) Tajikistan Country Director, and Mr. Andreas Schneider, Director of the German Development Bank (KFW). The visitors engaged with UCA’s leadership and students, gaining insights into the university's academic programmes and impact in Tajikistan and the region. This visit is part of an ongoing collaboration between UCA and German institutions including GIZ and KFW, that has continuously advanced educational and development goals in Tajikistan and the region.
The visit commenced at UCA’s School of Professional and Continuing Education, Khorog town campus touring Entrepreneurship and summer school classes followed by the graduates of the Khorog Centre for Entrepreneurship (KCE) exhibiting their businesses and products and informing the visitors about their achievements. The delegation was particularly impressed with the success of female entrepreneurs, who constitute 75% of the 1,700 learners trained by KCE to date.
Dilovar Butabekov, SPCE Director, and Farrukhsho Fraidonov, SPCE Tajikistan Country Head, briefed the delegation on UCA’s activities, its educational programmes of various levels offered in the Founding states and Afghanistan, and their transformative impact on the local communities. The visitors were apprised of the activities and achievements of KCE, established with the financial support of GIZ in August 2021. The centre has since implemented 14 projects with a strong focus on increasing female entrepreneurship and developed 10 consulting service packages aiming to support amateur and experienced entrepreneurs across GBAO.
Notably, 4 out of the 14 projects implemented at SPCE KCE were carried out with the financial support of GIZ and KFW enhancing the partnership between UCA and German institutions. These projects include establishing a digital lab at SPCE KCE where entrepreneurs have access to equipment necessary for carrying digital marketing of their businesses; supporting 33 households affected by the construction of the Sebzor Hydro Power Plant in establishing small businesses within the framework of the Livelihood Restoration Project; training production groups from remote villages specializing in dairy and produce to enhance the quality of their business management processes; and developing a special tool for analyzing the impact of climate change on local agricultural businesses and managing mitigation activities.
I am deeply impressed by the work of the Khorog Centre for Entrepreneurship (KCE), the Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) programmes, and the overall activities of UCA, especially the projects implemented in partnership with GIZ.
Mr. York Schuegraf, German Ambassador in Tajikistan.
While visiting SPCE’s Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) Complex, the delegation interacted with the apprentices and alumni of the Carpentry, Sewing, Young Artist, Young Technician, Plumbing, Electrician, and Auto-Mechanics programmes hearing about their experience of studying at SPCE and their future plans. The visit concluded with a tour at UCA’s School of Arts and Sciences campus, where the delegation was briefed on UCA’s degrees programmes and interacted with the professors.