Appointment of Professor Christopher Gerry as the Rector of UCA
Professor Christopher Gerry has been appointed as the Rector of the University of Central Asia, effective 1 August 2024. The announcement was made today by Dr Shamsh Kassim-Lakha, Chairman, UCA Board of Trustees. Please read the announcement below:
“I am pleased to announce that in keeping with the Charter of the University of Central Asia (UCA), on the recommendation of the Board of Trustees, His Highness the Aga Khan, Chancellor of UCA has appointed Professor Christopher J Gerry as Rector of UCA, for a five year term effective 1 August 2024.
In this role, Professor Gerry will report to the Board through the Chairman. He will oversee the University’s direction, organisation, and programmes in line with Board approved policies. On matters of government and diplomatic relations, financial policies, fundraising, major construction projects, and relations with agencies of the Aga Khan Development Network, he will collaborate closely with the Chairman. Professor Gerry will continue as Dean of the Graduate School of Development (GSD) until the appointment of its new Dean.
Professor Gerry joined UCA as Dean of GSD in August 2022 and has been serving as Acting Rector since 1 January 2024. Before joining UCA, he was Professor of Public Health and Health Economics at the University of Oxford and held senior roles including Dean of St Anthony’s College and Head of the Oxford School of Global and Area Studies. His brief bio is attached.
During his time at UCA, Professor Gerry has demonstrated outstanding leadership, successfully reorganising and strengthening GSD, and has effectively managed the University’s operations as Acting Rector. His collaborative and strategic approach has earned him the respect and confidence of the Board, his peers, and the UCA team.
Please join the Board of Trustees in congratulating him and wishing him success as he drives UCA forward in its next phase of development.
With my best wishes.”