Call for Participation: The Life in Kyrgyzstan Data Users Workshop
Date and time: 20 October 2023, 09:00-12:30
Venue: University of Central Asia, 125/1 Toktogul Street, Bishkek.
The Institute of Public Policy and Administration of the University of Central Asia (UCA), the Leibniz Institute of Vegetable and Ornamental Crops (IGZ), and ISDC - International Security and Development Center invite applications for participation at the Life in Kyrgyzstan Data Users Workshop to be held at the University of Central Asia in Bishkek on 20 October 2023. This is the post-conference event for the 9th Annual Life in Kyrgyzstan Conference.
We invite applications from interested individuals who use or would like to use the LiK data to conduct research and analytical work. Participation in the workshop is free of charge.
The workshop will be held in-person, and we would like to invite about 20 participants. The language of the workshop is Russian with simultaneous translation into English.
The workshop will be delivered by Dr Damir Esenaliev at IGZ and ISDC, the Academic Coordinator of the LiK Study. The program will include an overview of the LiK Study developments and academic impact since its inception in 2010, use of weather and climatic data with the LiK data, construction of food security indicators such as FIES, and questions and answers session. Most workshop topics are demonstrated by hands-on work based on the LiK data using the Stata program.
Please fill out your application by 4 October 2023 following this link: bit.ly/lik-workshop-2023. The evaluation committee will announce the selection of participants by 9 October 2023.
For further information on the Life in Kyrgyzstan Study, please see www.lifeinkyrgyzstan.org or send a message to likconference2023@gmail.com.