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The University of Central Asia is a research-oriented development University. Discover UCA’s online publications database.

IPPA Publications

IPPA research initiatives focus on economic policy, including regional economic relations and trade, economics of development, food security and agriculture and regulatory and microeconomic policy. To date, IPPA has published more than 40 peer-reviewed working and occasional papers in these areas in English and national languages. These publications consist of IPPA Working Paper Series, Cost-benefit Analysis Guide, English-Russian Glossary of Terms and Concepts in Public and Economic Policy, Administration and Trade, English-Russian Glossary of Terms and Concepts in Policy Analysis, Public Administration and Public Economics.

MSRI Publications

MSRI publications include background paper series and policy brief series which provide structured assessment of knowledge and gaps in priority areas which inform MSRI’s emerging research agenda. Topics in the series include pastoralism and farming systems, sustainable land management and mountain tourism and sustainability, agroforestry and natural resource management in border communities.

CHHU Publications

The UCA Cultural Heritage Book Series promotes understanding across cultures and generations by supporting Central Asian scholars conduct original and high-quality research, and publish and disseminate their work to regional and international audiences. UCA, with its partners, also supports the development of resources on Central Asian cultural heritage by other publishers.

CSI Publications

The Civil Society Discussion Papers series covers current and emerging issues facing civil society development in Central Asia. "Discussion Papers" may be cited without seeking prior permission.