Building Cooperative Education Partnerships in the Region
UCA faculty meet employers during a cooperative education information session at the Khorog campus.
Relationship-building and networking play a significant role in the career development of students. With this aim, the University of Central Asia’s (UCA) Cooperative Education Programme organised career and networking events at the Naryn and Khorog campuses in April. Over 45 representatives from potential employers in various sectors across Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan visited UCA’s campuses to discuss possible partnerships with UCA, delivered presentations on their companies, met with UCA students, and offered opportunities for them to obtain summer internships at their institutions.
UCA students and faculty met with employers including the German Academic Exchange Service, Erasmus +, the Kyrgyz Investment and Credit Bank, First Microfinance Company, Good Neighbors, the Institute for War and Peace Reporting, Next TV, Kut-Bilim Newspaper, Crown Agents, Hyatt Hotel, “Abrikos” Guest-House, “Leader” Centre for Civic Initiatives, the Mountain Societies Development Support Programme, “One Village One Product” NGO, Naryn Regional Employment Centre, Coca-Cola Tajikistan, United States Agency for International Development Read with Me Project in Tajikistan, Chemonics International Inc., Promotion LLC, Tcell Mobile network operator, Crowe Tajikistan auditing company, Oxfam International, Asia Plus Newspaper, Orienbank Tajikistan, Camptabiat NGO, Pamir Energy, Accelerate Prosperity Tajikistan, the First MicroFinance Bank Tajikistan, Aga Khan Agency for Habitat in Tajikistan, the Aga Khan Education Service Tajikistan, and the Aga Khan Foundation Tajikistan.
The event helped students understand major trends and demands of the current job market, as well as requirements of employers. The employers praised the level of preparation and leadership of students, the teaching and learning environment of UCA, as well as the qualification of its faculty and staff.