Nomad 2023: A Living Land
“Nomad 2023: A Living Land” is an invitation for the mountain communities and creatives of Central Asia to engage with the multi-dimensional concept of land during a three-day festival 22-24 September 2023.
The festival will explore how land not only shapes communities and individuals but is itself also moulded and changed by human activity.
The notion of “A Living Land” incorporates all forms of life, animate and inanimate, everything beneath, within and above the earth. Notions of land and sustainability also extend to the way the natural environment “speaks” in return, and its role in ongoing human survival and spiritual identity.
The festival of “A Living Land” will engage communities through a regional film and poetry competitions, awards, practical workshops, fashion, digital imaging, music, and immersive performances, and explore its many layered meanings and manifestations.