Sameer Dossa has over 10 years of experience working in the field of international development. Sameer is currently located in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan as the Associate Director of the International Office with the University of Central Asia (UCA). In this role he leads the strategic planning and development of UCA’s Global Engagement Strategy in the pursuit of academic excellence through international cooperation and strategic partnerships. He coordinates and facilitates all relevant cooperation and strategic opportunities in line with UCA's mission of developing mountain societies through partnerships promoting research, student and knowledge exchange, and faculty development.
Sameer has been heavily involved with UCA’s projects related to Afghanistan since 2018 and is currently acting as the Programme Advisor for the Afghanistan Research Initiative, a project funded by the International Development Research Centre and Aga Khan Foundation Canada. The project aims to sustain the research and capacity gains made in Afghanistan over the last decade and invest in producing knowledge critical to the country's present and future. Sameer previously worked with UCA’s Office of Research and Development engaging with donor and stakeholder relations, fundraising for research and development projects, project and grant management, and strategic operations within the Office of Research and Development. Prior to joining UCA, Sameer worked as a research and policy analyst for the Aga Khan Development Network Diplomatic Office in Afghanistan. In this role, he facilitated relationships between AKDN, the government, international organizations and agencies, civil society, and the private sector. Sameer Dossa holds a Bachelor’s degree in Development Studies from the University of Calgary.