UCA Students Complete WACE Global Collaborative Project
Students from nine universities, including the University of Central Asia, recently participated in a Global Student Collaborative Project (WGSCP) set up by the Canada-based World Association for Cooperative and Work-Integrated Education (WACE).
UCA officially joined WACE as an institutional partner last year. WACE is the only international professional organization dedicated to developing, expanding, branding, and advocating for cooperative and work-integrated education programs within industry and educational institutions.
Last fall WACE announced the WGSCP program in collaboration with Practera, an Australian education technology company. UCA students Khizer Zakir (Earth and Environmental Sciences), Wajahat Khan
(Economics), Nina Petrushkova (Computer Science) and Mirzonabot Mirzonabotov (Computer Science) joined their counterparts from eight countries in connecting with eight organizations to complete their projects. From Nov 16th to Dec 10th, 2020, they worked collaboratively as part of an international, interdisciplinary, and inter-cultural student team and delivered a project for organizations in Australia, Europe, and the United States. The two-week virtual pilot program facilitated by WACE and Practera runs as an extra-curricular activity.