Milk Processing Workshop Opens in Naryn
From L to R: The milk processing workshop was officially opened by Nurbek Moldokadyrov, Mayor of Naryn town, and Emilbek Alymkulov, Naryn Oblast Governor, alongside Dr. Shamsh Kassim-Lakha, Chairman of UCA’s Board of Trustees, and Prof. Dr. S. Sohail H. Naqvi, Rector of UCA.
The University of Central Asia and the Aga Khan Foundation established a milk processing workshop at Naryn State University for its new undergraduate programme on “Production Technology and Processing of Agricultural Produce.” The workshop will provide students with practical experience, help prepare qualified experts in milk-processing in Naryn Oblast, as well as allow for commercial sale, enabling the workshop to become fully self-sustainable.
An inauguration event was held on February 10th, and was organised as part of the Mountain Universities Partnership (MUP), an initiative of the Aga Khan Development Network’s University Improvement Programme. MUP aims at improving the quality of education of four universities, including NSU, Khorog State University (Tajikistan), Karakorum International University (Pakistan) and Badakhshan University (Afghanistan), while contributing to the socio-economic development of the mountain regions.