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Adina Pic

Country of Origin: Kyrgyzstan

Level of Study: MPhil

University: University of Cambridge

Area of Study: Development Studies

Adina Asanova studied MPhil in Development Studies at the Centre of Development Studies, University of Cambridge. Her main research interests include social dimensions of labour migration; economic inequality and globalisation; and politics of development. Prior to starting graduate studies, Asanova worked at the University of Central Asia’s School of Arts and Sciences (SAS) for over two years. During her work at UCA, she was involved in the curriculum development programme; recruitment and onboarding of SAS members; and academic upgrading initiatives. She also holds Diploma of Specialist in Foreign Languages with Magna Cum Laude honours from the Bishkek Humanities University. In her undergraduate study years, she was an active member of student organisations, initiating and running social development projects.